Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Back from small hiatus

Well it's been a good few months since my last post, and I have to say I'm pretty surprised I didn't keep going. But with that aside I felt like talking about my feelings of the horrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan. First when I heard on the news about this I almost cried, later on and even now learning about the death toll and it's horrible rise and seeing the destruction I have cried many times over. So many people in mere moments just.....dead, its a horrible thought to process and to think how many of them were children just starting out on life? or elderly who just wished to live out their lives quietly and adults who may be leaving children and other family because of this. Whats worse is the so far 3 nuclear meltdowns and fire at a nuclear plant. FIRE for kami-samas sake! So to do at least something I have been selling small bags of cookies and donating the money to the Japanese relief fund. Even though each bag is only 5 dollars I know that if everyone makes some small contribution as a whole we can help the country and all it's people. A close family friend of ours has all of his family in Japan and we have been sitting at the edge of our seats worrying if they are okay, and luckily today we go the good news they are but their scared, scared beyond belief of what their going to go home to, of what their going to find in the wake of this horrible disaster. I hope everyone no matter what religion Buddhist, Shinto , Catholic Ect. will take the time to send a little prayer for Japan and it's people and hope that they can bounce back from this quickly. Well signing off for now. nighty night.