Sunday, January 30, 2011

1st day of preperation

Hello to anyone reading my blog, I would first like to say thanks for reading! I made this mostly to record my efforts to achieving my dream, and then record as I live out this dream. That is being an exchange student to Japan. I plan to leave March 2012 in the midst of my freshman year, but first I have to earn enough money to go. My mom is against it and won't pay a cent to help me go and I understand that since she doesn't want me far from home. So over the summer I have to work hard. Very hard. I will take part time jobs babysitting, working at farmers markets, and now I will be caddying which I hope pays very well. Something I also have to prepare for is learning the language of Japanese. So far I know all of the 1st basic alphabet which is called hiragana and know almost all of the 2nd alphabet which is katakana. The trouble I have is with Kanji which has thousands of characters. Today I was crying because I thought about how I would be away for a whole year. It would be the first time I don't spend Christmas, New Years, Easter, My Birthday ECT. with my mom. I know to some that may sound "lame" but since my dad passed away my mom is all I have and I'm all she has. This will be a truly emotionally trying experience I would have to say. Other than that though I'll probably talk about school. School for me is one heck of a ride that I definitely think people will find interesting, I also may post a few pictures that I've drawn before :p hmmm that's all I have to say for now....more to come tomorrow!!! ありがとう ございます!!! おやすみなさい!:D P。S わたし わ かのじょ です <3 I'm a girl :]

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