Friday, February 4, 2011

sick day

Yola everyone it's me again and man do I feel like crap. This is the second time in two weeks that I've been sick, and my throat hurts, my head hurts, and I'm coughing so hard it hurts. Worse is that I found out with application deadlines and everything for foreign exchange I have to wait till the end of my sophmore year. Now everyone that sorta believed I was going to Japan are going too call me a complete liar. But hey let's get past all that and find something good instead ;] I'll have a job before I go to Japan now so that will be good, and I don't have to rush to make 12,000 dollars I can actually enjoy my summer instead! So I guess it's okay that it's been pushed another year forward. I think I'm one of those odd people that usually enjoy a sick day but for once I'm not (on account of how crappy I feel lol) Did you know my friend Emily is taking me to Chinatown sometime soon to cheer me up? I can't wait, and I'm happy that I have such good friends. When I write these blog posts I always wonder, is someone actually reading them? If someone is please comment and I'll try my hardest to make this more interesting! :D sooo bibi for now!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2nd snow day

My night elf hunter Narrasa :]
I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday but we had tons of snow every where and I had to help out. It was so funny seeing the piles of snow, some of them like 10 ft high or more!!! Our whole town got shut down yesterday and people weren't supposed to be driving yesterday but I thought it was necessary that I go see my friend Emily, so I had my neighbor drive me over in his snow plow :D We spent the day pretty much like nerds, playing WoW, watching Easy A, celebrating Chinese new year (it just so happens to be the year of the rabbit right now!) I also had a snow day today but sadly I've been feeling like crap and spent the day on my couch watching Judge shows and jerry springer with my mom lol. But a sad part of the day was when my Great Aunt Lisa passed away........I still can't seem to really believe that it has happened and I still expect to see her at all our family parties...I hope we get another snow day tomorrow because I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow since I'm sick, and if I don't go to school I'm going to miss band pictures and this is my last year at middle school so I want my picture to be in the yearbook. hmmm does anyone know how a 14 year old can make $11,000 in a year without being a HOOKER hahaha. well then see you all later bi-beee!!!! さようなら!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just the tip of the blizzard

Today the huge blizzard started in our town and write now you can barely see more than a foot or two in front of you. I  just got home from school and of course, I had to walk home. I'm about a good 1 1/2 miles form school and I was sadly not wearing the warmest cloths. All my friends and I huddled into a herd and started our travel home, sorta huddling together for warmth. Everyone kept falling and laughing but when the wind blew snow straight into our face we all moaned and yelled. We all had to admit it was pretty fun. The blizzard is supposed to last a good 24 hours so I think a blizzard this big deserves a name. I shall call it Steve. It was funny because my mom had to pick up my friend Morgan's older sister from target since her car broke down. I laughed because I found out she had gotten stuck while skipping school. Right now I'm happyily warm under a blanket with a  warm cup of tea and I'll probably type more before I go to bed. So to hold you over here is a blizzard pic!!! stay warm. P.S I wish I had a long red scarf...thats my one dream for the winter months ahha.