Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just the tip of the blizzard

Today the huge blizzard started in our town and write now you can barely see more than a foot or two in front of you. I  just got home from school and of course, I had to walk home. I'm about a good 1 1/2 miles form school and I was sadly not wearing the warmest cloths. All my friends and I huddled into a herd and started our travel home, sorta huddling together for warmth. Everyone kept falling and laughing but when the wind blew snow straight into our face we all moaned and yelled. We all had to admit it was pretty fun. The blizzard is supposed to last a good 24 hours so I think a blizzard this big deserves a name. I shall call it Steve. It was funny because my mom had to pick up my friend Morgan's older sister from target since her car broke down. I laughed because I found out she had gotten stuck while skipping school. Right now I'm happyily warm under a blanket with a  warm cup of tea and I'll probably type more before I go to bed. So to hold you over here is a blizzard pic!!! stay warm. P.S I wish I had a long red scarf...thats my one dream for the winter months ahha.

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