Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Back from small hiatus

Well it's been a good few months since my last post, and I have to say I'm pretty surprised I didn't keep going. But with that aside I felt like talking about my feelings of the horrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan. First when I heard on the news about this I almost cried, later on and even now learning about the death toll and it's horrible rise and seeing the destruction I have cried many times over. So many people in mere moments just.....dead, its a horrible thought to process and to think how many of them were children just starting out on life? or elderly who just wished to live out their lives quietly and adults who may be leaving children and other family because of this. Whats worse is the so far 3 nuclear meltdowns and fire at a nuclear plant. FIRE for kami-samas sake! So to do at least something I have been selling small bags of cookies and donating the money to the Japanese relief fund. Even though each bag is only 5 dollars I know that if everyone makes some small contribution as a whole we can help the country and all it's people. A close family friend of ours has all of his family in Japan and we have been sitting at the edge of our seats worrying if they are okay, and luckily today we go the good news they are but their scared, scared beyond belief of what their going to go home to, of what their going to find in the wake of this horrible disaster. I hope everyone no matter what religion Buddhist, Shinto , Catholic Ect. will take the time to send a little prayer for Japan and it's people and hope that they can bounce back from this quickly. Well signing off for now. nighty night.

Friday, February 4, 2011

sick day

Yola everyone it's me again and man do I feel like crap. This is the second time in two weeks that I've been sick, and my throat hurts, my head hurts, and I'm coughing so hard it hurts. Worse is that I found out with application deadlines and everything for foreign exchange I have to wait till the end of my sophmore year. Now everyone that sorta believed I was going to Japan are going too call me a complete liar. But hey let's get past all that and find something good instead ;] I'll have a job before I go to Japan now so that will be good, and I don't have to rush to make 12,000 dollars I can actually enjoy my summer instead! So I guess it's okay that it's been pushed another year forward. I think I'm one of those odd people that usually enjoy a sick day but for once I'm not (on account of how crappy I feel lol) Did you know my friend Emily is taking me to Chinatown sometime soon to cheer me up? I can't wait, and I'm happy that I have such good friends. When I write these blog posts I always wonder, is someone actually reading them? If someone is please comment and I'll try my hardest to make this more interesting! :D sooo bibi for now!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2nd snow day

My night elf hunter Narrasa :]
I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday but we had tons of snow every where and I had to help out. It was so funny seeing the piles of snow, some of them like 10 ft high or more!!! Our whole town got shut down yesterday and people weren't supposed to be driving yesterday but I thought it was necessary that I go see my friend Emily, so I had my neighbor drive me over in his snow plow :D We spent the day pretty much like nerds, playing WoW, watching Easy A, celebrating Chinese new year (it just so happens to be the year of the rabbit right now!) I also had a snow day today but sadly I've been feeling like crap and spent the day on my couch watching Judge shows and jerry springer with my mom lol. But a sad part of the day was when my Great Aunt Lisa passed away........I still can't seem to really believe that it has happened and I still expect to see her at all our family parties...I hope we get another snow day tomorrow because I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow since I'm sick, and if I don't go to school I'm going to miss band pictures and this is my last year at middle school so I want my picture to be in the yearbook. hmmm does anyone know how a 14 year old can make $11,000 in a year without being a HOOKER hahaha. well then see you all later bi-beee!!!! さようなら!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just the tip of the blizzard

Today the huge blizzard started in our town and write now you can barely see more than a foot or two in front of you. I  just got home from school and of course, I had to walk home. I'm about a good 1 1/2 miles form school and I was sadly not wearing the warmest cloths. All my friends and I huddled into a herd and started our travel home, sorta huddling together for warmth. Everyone kept falling and laughing but when the wind blew snow straight into our face we all moaned and yelled. We all had to admit it was pretty fun. The blizzard is supposed to last a good 24 hours so I think a blizzard this big deserves a name. I shall call it Steve. It was funny because my mom had to pick up my friend Morgan's older sister from target since her car broke down. I laughed because I found out she had gotten stuck while skipping school. Right now I'm happyily warm under a blanket with a  warm cup of tea and I'll probably type more before I go to bed. So to hold you over here is a blizzard pic!!! stay warm. P.S I wish I had a long red scarf...thats my one dream for the winter months ahha.

Monday, January 31, 2011

1st day of practice/1st pic of me from August 1st 2010 summer festival :D

 Today after yet another tiring day at school I had to stay behind and rehearse for the school musical. Every year I like to switch off from singing to playing my clarinet in the pit band and this was the year that I chose pit band. The musical right now is Hairspray and let me just tell you that no one wanted to be Tracey.  Practice I have to admit was crazy and the notes I have to play fly right off of the scales. Today too while I was walking a kid walks up to me and says "your the girl going to Japan right?" I shook my head yes and he's just like "ya right". People at my school tend not to believe in such a thing as "dreams" or "ambition" but I guess I'll just have to live with it. I haven't taken any recent Japanese online courses but I do practice with my friend Gilbert-san ever day. She may only have a rudimentary grasp on Japanese but shes still good practice. Everyone in my small town is preparing for the big snowstorm that's supposed to hit tomorrow. Were all guessing that schools going to be out on Wednesday, and if it is I'm heading over to my best friend Emily's house. Shes Chinese and her whole family treats me like I'm there daughter by teaching me Chinese, letting me stay for dinner every night, and just making me feel completely at home. I think it's funny that when ever Emily, my friend Molly, and I get together we all randomly go AYEESH like Koreans in Korean dramas do. I found out from my friend Sarah (who happens to be Korean) that it means crap. After finding that out I started saying it more often haha. I wanna quickly post a pick of me now before I got all crazy and dye my hair when I go to Taiwan. Omg I forgot to mention that Emily's family is kind enough to take me on a trip with them over the summer to Taipei in Taiwan. So as of right now I've been studying my Chinese as diligently as I study my Japanese. Well then....here!!! see u all next time! ありがとう! こんばんわ!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

1st day of preperation

Hello to anyone reading my blog, I would first like to say thanks for reading! I made this mostly to record my efforts to achieving my dream, and then record as I live out this dream. That is being an exchange student to Japan. I plan to leave March 2012 in the midst of my freshman year, but first I have to earn enough money to go. My mom is against it and won't pay a cent to help me go and I understand that since she doesn't want me far from home. So over the summer I have to work hard. Very hard. I will take part time jobs babysitting, working at farmers markets, and now I will be caddying which I hope pays very well. Something I also have to prepare for is learning the language of Japanese. So far I know all of the 1st basic alphabet which is called hiragana and know almost all of the 2nd alphabet which is katakana. The trouble I have is with Kanji which has thousands of characters. Today I was crying because I thought about how I would be away for a whole year. It would be the first time I don't spend Christmas, New Years, Easter, My Birthday ECT. with my mom. I know to some that may sound "lame" but since my dad passed away my mom is all I have and I'm all she has. This will be a truly emotionally trying experience I would have to say. Other than that though I'll probably talk about school. School for me is one heck of a ride that I definitely think people will find interesting, I also may post a few pictures that I've drawn before :p hmmm that's all I have to say for now....more to come tomorrow!!! ありがとう ございます!!! おやすみなさい!:D P。S わたし わ かのじょ です <3 I'm a girl :]